Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Since the creation of the phone, people have been forced to memorize a series of numbers that identify their household, work, friends, cells, pizzerias and so on. No one who uses the phone has been spared the requirement of remembering at least one number to give out to people. That reason alone, it bewilders me that there are people who still rattle off their phone number like a four year old who drank two litre of Coca Cola and downed a few dozen pixie sticks. This is a matter of intelligence; they either haven't caught on yet that it takes time to write it all down or they feel empowered when people fall cannot follow what they are saying.

I believe it to be a combo of the two... Because they don't have anything else they could say to get people thinking they slur their number into one audible mess to boggle their victims' minds.

The only thing worst than someone who speeds through their numbers is a person who gets impatient when you ask them to repeat it. If you only divulged the information correctly the first time you would have saved yourself a good 15 seconds...