Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Door is Unlocked. #28

Growing up we would lock our doors only on two occasions: when we were going to bed or when we would be leaving the house vacant. Asides from that people would come and go as they please. I grew up in a home that once you were in, you were in. That means we would be offended if you rang the doorbell and waited for us to answer the door. We trained loved ones to simply walk on in. The next step to that would be helping themselves to our fridge. This is beneficial for two reasons; One, my responsibilities as a host would decrease the deeper the relationships and, two, the helper to the fridge would know that they are welcomed to anything I(or my folks) had to offer.

Yes, some days it would be chaotic with grandparents showing up unannounced and friends atop of friends atop of friends crowding in a room to play N64, but that was the beauty of community and being a true neighbour. The unexpected enjoyment of random people's company was exciting and nice. Often we'd adapt our plans to accommodate our guests.

These past couple years I've been out of touch with that atmosphere, jumping from place to place with no permanent situation in mind... That is until now.

I had a brilliant evening where I met two families that opened their doors and reopened my eyes to how awesome community is. By inviting me in we were able to engage in relationship that went beyond small talk. Regardless of one's financial stance in life, I think there is a great benefit to being openly generous with what you have to offer people in terms of yourself. Some may look at serving as offering drinks and munchies, but more importantly than that is offering time to really engage in welcoming the person in through relationship.

With the wife and I establishing and starting our own household it is my prayer that we can live with a generous heart and open arms to the people around us. Caring more about the people in our lives than the stuff.